Английский язык 1(1079)(ОЮИ)

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Английский язык 1(id=1079) - Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции(1 часть).ztf
Полный список вопросов тут http://kiltest.net/sp/ztf/Angliiyskiiy_iazyk_1(1079).html

... an empty seat at the back of the bus.
... books have you read?
... entering the hall, he found everyone waiting for him.
... of them knew about it because it wasn’t a secret.
... the room!
... there?
... they argued, the more difficult it became.
... work this Saturday.
A dog ran in front of my car and I ... stop.
Are there ... in the garden?
Ask him to go to the post office ... some stamps.
Bob is ... in the class.
Everybody ... ready.
Everyone expected him to win but you never ...
He ... for half an hour.
He ... lives in the house where he was born.
He arrived late ... was annoying.
He carries ... as if he were the boss.
He has been ... of murdering his wife.
He shook hands with his ... before the match
He took no notice of me, ... the whole town was full of rumors.
He was left alone, with ... to look after him.
He went on working without ...
He went to the Xerox Center and ... .
Hello, Janice! Tell me what ... here today.
He’ll ... his nervousness once he is on stage.
How long have you been there?
How often ... television?
I ... an answer to my letter within a few days.
I ... her on the platform.
I ... my briefcase on the table.
I ... this letter for days without looking at it.
I called him before ... Rome.
I caught a ... of the car before it disappeared
I don’t know whether I ... or not.
I don’t like ... at me.
I have a ... paper in my desk.
I have often ... at this hotel.
I put the milk ... back in the fridge.
I spoke to ... at the bus stop.
I used to go to school ... from home.
If he ... on time, we wouldn’t have to hurry.
If you ... fewer potato chips, you wouldn’t be ill now.
If you don’t know a word, look it ... in the dictionary.
It ... her.
It gave me a strange feeling to see my name ... .
It is a pity you have had to wait. Now ... see if we can solve your problem.
It is five months ... to our new house.
It is light enough without the lights. Let’s ... .
It often snows ... January.
It was difficult to ... in the photo because it was taken from so far away.
Jill, ... with us?
Kevin is ...
Kim and Lynn were not the only people there. There ... .
Listen to ... sister.
Mary or Jill ... in the play.
Mont Blanc, ... we visited last year, is beautiful.
My mother ... help her.
Next year ... to Canada.
Our family usually ... home.
Pat and Jane are ... her.
She chose some very pretty ... paper for the present.
She didn’t want to buy it, ...
She has been very kind, ... ?
She is pretty but this kind of face doesn’t ... to me.
She left the room ...
She made it ... that she didn’t approve by throwing something at me.
Take ... scissors and cut the cloth.
The ... outside the house said “Private”.
The teacher told ...
There are several landladies approved by the university who take in ...
There is little snow there, as most of it seemed ...
blown off the mountain.
They have put the bird in a cage to ... from flying away.
They live ... the other side of the road.
This question is ... difficult for me.
Tom is Mrs. Black’s son.
Towards the top of the mountains the cliff was easier to climb, though ... steeper.
Trying to climb the mountain in such weather was ...
We ... the approach of the storm, but we were too busy.
We ... us at 10 o’clock.
We had ... hard time trying to persuade him.
We’ll ... you as soon as we have any information.
What ... in the evening?
What sort of car shall I get?
When ... the university?
When I ... there I won’t be able to get in.
Where is the letter they wrote? - ... it?
Who ... ?
Why haven’t they arrived? – They ... the plane.
Would you mind ... me a fav