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Текст и упражнения для самостоятельной работы в 5 семестре
Analytical Reading
Прочтите текст. Пользуйтесь глоссарием .
(1) Переведите текст письменно.
(2) Внимательно изучите выделенные словарные статьи. ( в глоссарии).
(3) Выполните упражнения после текста.
Public relations is a profession in transition. In an environment of rapid social change, every organization must change or die. PR practitioners must possess the communications expertise and social sensitivity necessary to help organizations adapt to their changing environments.
1. In many ways, this is a new role for PR practitioners. They are no longer mere technicians who shape and transmit messages from organizations to their publics because PR is now a critical dimension of management. All management now recognize that they themselves practice PR, and they also see that public relations should be part of the management mainstream.
2. To this broadened role, PR practitioner must bring out all of the traditional skills of the craft. The ability to understand public opinion, to plan PR programs, to create effective messages in all media for all organizational publics, and to evaluate PR effectiveness remain crucial areas of talent, skill, and knowledge.
3. PR as it is practiced today, though, demands much more. A full understanding of all communication processes and a complete acquaintance with the methods of management are crucial to the successful practice of PR. Thorough knowledge of the environment of the organization in which the practitioner works is a prerequisite to PR effectiveness.
4. PR is an outgrowth of three factors:
(1) recognition of the power of public opinion;
(2) continuous competition among institutions for public support; and
(3) the development of media through which the public can be reached.
5. Historically, PR has gone through three stages:
(1) manipulation;
(2) information; and
(3) mutual influence and understanding.
Their development was sequential, but all three still exist. PR has generally moved from using any available means to achieve desired public opinion towards informing the public and providing information and counsel to management.
7. The future of PR can be better predicted and prepared for if the trends in the history of PR are identified and understood. 1770 печатных знаков

Упражнение № 1 на знание слов из данного текста.
Задание: 1) Вставьте пропущенные слова, выбирая их из приведенных ниже.
2) Полученные предложения переведите.
1) George is a …………… officer.
2) The twins were separated at birth and brought up in entirely different…………..
3) The disease is spreading at a ………. rate.
4) First of all we must ………. the problem areas.
5) The government was not in a position to ……..them with food.
6) It is impossible to ……… what will happen;
7) Any event attended by the actor received widespread ……. coverage.
8) The show wanted to attract a ………. audience.
9) We have had to ……..quickly to the new system.
Media, public relations, environments, predict, mainstream, identify, adapt, rapid, reach, expertise, provide.

Упражнение № 2 на использование словообразовательных аффиксов
Задание: 1) Ознакомьтесь с основными словообразовательными аффиксами английского языка. ( смотри методические указания)
2) Изучите образец выполнения упражнения
3) Выполните упражнение. Подчеркните суффикс или префикс, определите, к какой части речи относится это слово и переведите его.
Образец выполнения задания:
• future = -ture – суф
1 public/publics 2 relations 3 profession 6 organization 7 organizational 8 practitioner – practice/practical 9 communications/communicate 10 continuous 11 successful 12 technicians 13 management 14 create/creative 15 effect/effective/effectiveness 16 evaluate/value/valuable 17 (pre)requisite 18 factors 19 instituti
Упражнение № 3 на знание слов используемых в тексте.
Задание: 1. Совместите следующие английские слова с их дефинициями.
2. Переведите на русский язык.
possess 1 all the circumstances, people, things, and events around us that influence our life
among 2 to become wider; to affect or make sth affect more people or things; to increase your expe-rience, knowledge, etc.
3 complete [ADJ] 3 a piece of information or a request that you send to someone or leave for them when you cannot speak to them directly
4 reach 4 to stay and still exist in a particular state or condition
5 desire 5 to come to sb’s attention; to achieve a particular aim; to arrive at
6 broaden [V] 6 to become different; to make sth different
7 change [V] 7 someone whose job involves skilled practical work with equipment
8 remain 8 to want sth; to wish for sth
9 environment 9 total; to the greatest degree possible
10 message 10 to have or own sth
11 technician 11 surrounded by sb/sth; in the middle of sb/sth

Упражнение № 4 на значение и использование модального глагола SHOULD

Задание: 1) Внимательно прочтите словарную статью 2.23. should, обращая внимание на разнообразие лексико-грамматических значений этой глагольной формы. ( смотрите глоссарий)
2) К утвердительному предложению ( выделенному жирным шрифтом) дано 4 совета. Выберите подходящий совет. Переведите утвердительное предложение и выбранное вами предложение.
1. I’m fed up with my job.
a) We should cut our prices.
b) He should talk to the MD.
c) You should look for another one. You should look in the Sunday Times, they always have lots of job ads.
d) We should launch a major advertising campaign.

2. The Internet is the future but it’s a mystery to me.
a) Somebody should have a quiet word in his ear.
b) He should talk to the MD.
c) We should cut our prices.
d) Perhaps you should go on a training course.

3. Andrew needs to speak German by the end of the year.
a) We should cut our prices.
b) Well, he should go for intensive lessons.
c) You should go for a visit out there to see if you like it.
d) We should launch a major advertising campaign.

4. I’ve been offered a job in Indonesia but I’ve never lived outside Europe.
a) Well, perhaps we should be careful about how much credit we allow them.
b) Somebody should have a quiet word in his ear.
c) Well, he should go for a visit out there to see if you like it.
d) You should go for a visit out there to see if you like it.

Упражнение № 5 – Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения.
1. The report says the country should think twice before joining the European Union. 2. A gentlemam should be honest in his actions and refined in his language. 3. Children should be seen and not heard. 4. Law makers should not be law breakers. 5. We should consult three things in all our actions: justice, honesty and utility. 6. People should reflect how tender is the Earth’s environment. 7. We assured her that we should soon come back. 8. Is it vitaly important that I should say “yes”? 9. Well, you should be working now istead of relaxing. 10. You shouldn’t remember the clothes but the feeling they give you.
Упражнение № 6– Дайте совет, используя глагольные формы should/shouldn’t.
1. My eyes are tired. 2. They quarrelled last night. 3. My life is hectic [лихорадочный]. 4. Bess’s boyfriend is too young. 5. What a horrible film! 6. Jack thinks his girl is lightminded. 7. Mr. Snow has gone bankrupt. 8. I caught a cold yesterday. Now I’m coughing and sneezing. 9. This is my sixth cup of coffee this evening.
(Источник: Ионина, Саакян, с. 346-347)