🔥Dark and Darker Legendary Status | Epic Acc+Pw

Если общая сумма ваших покупок у продавца STP1 больше чем:
- 20688 ₽ скидка составит 10%

Всего продано 3
Возвратов 0
Хороших отзывов 0
Плохих отзывов 0

After purchasing, you will receive an epic account password, and the account has been activated with dark
and darker legendary version.

🚨Please note: Accounts sold are non-refundable, so don't pay if you mind.
🚨All accounts can change their bound email addresses and login passwords

9 Additional character slots! Don’t be limited to just a single character or class. Experiment with a multitude of different builds or playstyles!

1 Shared Stash! – Gain some extra space for your loot and easily transfer items between your characters on the same account.

Triumph Boost! Gain 50% more Triumph Experience each time you successfully extract from a dungeon. These points help you earn Bluestone Shards that can be used to unlock exclusive cosmetics!