Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora 💎STEAM GLOBAL

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You’re the Private Investigator on a string of grisly murders, scouring for clues in a 3D side-scrolling world. Grab your fedora and revolver - in Hot Tin Roof you’re on the case! Dive into a noir mystery and become Emma Jones, the only PI partnered to a cat named Franky.

Noir as heck.
Metroidvania meets Adventure Game in a side-scrolling 3D world, with tons of platforming and exploration
4 distinct plot threads, with 15 different resolutions.
Instead of acquiring abilities, you find new revolver rounds, which you load into your revolver yourself. Combine them in unique ways!
Scour the world for clues! Use them in conversations to unlock secrets, solve murders and more.
Cats. More cats than you could shake a cat at. Also, pigeons and rats. Many wearing tiny hats.
Spiffy chip noir jazz soundtrack.

It’s a dog eat dog world out there, but luckily? A cat has your back. Franky. The cat that wore a fedora.

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