Steam TOP UP (RUB,KZT) fast delivery

Всего продано 2
Возвратов 0
Хороших отзывов 0
Плохих отзывов 0

Please review:


⬥ Enter your "Account Name". This is the username by which you log in to Steam.
Make sure that the data is entered correctly and without typos. This is important, otherwise the deposit will not be credited to your account.
A refund in this case is not possible, because the funds will be sent according to the data specified when placing the order.

❗️ This product is intended only for accounts with countries specified in the settings: RUSSIA, BELARUS, KAZAKHSTAN, UKRAINE, KYRGYSTAN, UZBEKISTAN.
❗️ If you are replenishing a new Steam account that has never been replenished, then the region and currency of your account may change. For old accounts, there is no such risk - replenishment will come in the currency of your account.

⬥ We do not replenish Crimea, LNR, DNR
This is due to technical limitations on the part of the provider.

⬥ The error in the receipt is permissible. This is due to the difference in the exchange rate on the part of Steam. Usually the margin of error is 2-4% up or down.

⬥ If you are not sure about at least one of the listed items, then please write to us in the chat. We will be happy to answer and help.
Please review:


⬥ Enter your "Account Name". This is the username by which you log in to Steam.
Make sure that the data is entered correctly and without typos. This is important, otherwise the deposit will not be credited to your account.
A refund in this case is not possible, because the funds will be sent according to the data specified when placing the order.

❗️ This product is intended only for accounts with countries specified in the settings: RUSSIA, BELARUS, KAZAKHSTAN, UKRAINE, KYRGYSTAN, UZBEKISTAN.
❗️ If you are replenishing a new Steam account that has never been replenished, then the region and currency of your account may change. For old accounts, there is no such risk - replenishment will come in the currency of your account.

⬥ We do not replenish Crimea, LNR, DNR
This is due to technical limitations on the part of the provider.

⬥ The error in the receipt is permissible. This is due to the difference in the exchange rate on the part of Steam. Usually the margin of error is 2-4% up or down.

⬥ If you are not sure about at least one of the listed items, then please write to us in the chat. We will be happy to answer and help.