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As a marine researcher with the Rachel Carson Research Organization, RCRO, you have been sent to collect samples of a new species of algae for an alternative energy project.
Traverse the depths of the ocean in this beautiful 2D pixel platformer, but be sure to watch your air levels! What They Don't Sea has a wonderful mix of beautiful and creepy environments, with drops of humor delivered by charming ocean creatures.
About the Development Team
What They Don't Sea was created by Team Atlantis, a group of middle school girls, at the 3-week Girls Make Games summer camp in Durham, NC. The game won the Grand Prize at GMG’s Demo Day competition in 2019, and went on to raise over $40K on Kickstarter.
Team Atlantis Members:
Twyla O.
Riley K.
Catie P.
Claire H.
About Girls Make Games
Girls Make Games is a series of international summer camps and workshops designed to inspire the next generation of designers, creators, and engineers.
GMG’s flagship video game summer camp teaches girls ages 8-18 how to design and code their own games. The camps culminate in Demo Day, a national competition where the top teams from around the country pitch their games to industry professionals. The Grand Prize winning team receives extended mentorship and the opportunity to have their game professionally produced and published.
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