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In late 1944, in the wake of the allied forces' successful D-Day invasion, it seemed as if WWII was all but over. On December 16,
with the onset of winter, the German army launched a surprise counteroffensive through the densely forested Ardennes that was intended
to cut through the Allied forces in a manner that would, the Germans hoped, turn the tide of the war in their favor. You can call it Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein Watch on the Rhine, Bataille des Ardennes , or the Ardennes Counteroffensive, but it is best known today as the Battle of the Bulge.
This computer game is a faitful copy of the original game bublished by Tiny Battle.
Play against the German AI to stop them from crossiing the Meuse and motoring off to Brussels and Antwerp.
Play against the Allied AI and achieve a smashing victory.
Units are mainly Divisions and the map covers the area of the battle.
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